Cranking up the Cute Factor

Look who popped in for a quick photo shoot.
Just a little to the left, there, in the light... Nice... You look lovely framed by the greenery... Now tip your head... Great! I got it!
These Chickadees make such wonderful models. And they literally work for peanuts!


I stuck my camera in the car and took it everywhere with me today. It was sunny and we had the most beautiful blue sky all day long, but something about the breezey 9(F) degrees and a wimpy pair of gloves kept me from getting out to shoot until I got back home and found proper pair of mittens... Not sure what I was thinking this morning when I grabbed those thin gloves! Feeling like I had passed by far too many photo opportunities throughout the day, I was very happy to have this sweet bird pose so nicely in the pines near our home. I didn't even have to trek too far through the deep snow to find her... bonus!! :))

Thank you all so much for taking yesterday's bluejay in the snowdrops to the spotlight page! What a surprise! That rarely happens to me, but I'll take it. ;))

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