4years 135days

We have several photos of Katie in similar poses, modelling a new piece of clothing. This photo is Katie in a skirt that she was sent as part of a pattern group exchange - I made a dress for a lady's little girl, a lady sent Katie this skirt. Coincidentally that lady was my little girl's granny. So this is from the photos to say thank you for the skirt. It was the only photos we managed yesterday as I was busy making a butterfly costume ready for World Book Day. Then it was swimming.

I am SO proud of little lady tonight. We found out today that she's passed Grade 2 swimming. Which means that when the next course of classes start, in 3 weeks time, she will move into her first lessons in the big pool. Given that she's already swimming with 5/6year olds, I am pretty chuffed for her. But more importantly, I am even more chuffed for her because it matters to her. Her little face when she realised she'd passed.

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