Big waves?!

Well, here I am having a little trek around Penzance Harbour.

This afternoon Ann came home from work and said, ‘Molly, I need to go to Penzance. You can come with me, we’ll have a little walk around the harbour and you can be blipped next to Penzance lighthouse for our 'lifeboat stations & lighthouses project'.. Then you can have a snooze in the car while I do what I have to do.’

Soooooooooo we walked along the pier that has the lighthouse at the end, but when we got about half way along there was a barrier across the pier that said, ‘No entry, big waves’.

We couldn’t see any big waves. Can you see any big waves? I was all for just ignoring the sign and crawling under the barrier but Ann spotted some council workmen who were repairing a massive hole in the pier which she assumed the big waves had done.

She said, ‘Molly, let’s just go for a walk along the other pier and perhaps we can photograph the lighthouse from the end of that one'. But we couldn’t because it would have involved us climbing up a big high wall and Ann decided it would be too dangerous.

So what you’ve got today is a Blip of me beside a very flat calm sea in Penzance Harbour!!

PS - For those observant Blippers amongst you - yes I am wearing the same collar & lead as yesterday. Ann hardly ever dresses me in the same clothes collar & lead two days in a row 'cos she doesn't want people to think that I've stayed out all night??!! Chance would be a fine thing? However last night she'd been out, and had a few glasses of wine, came home and took me for my bedtime wee and groomed me, then she said she was going to bed. And instead of getting my fresh clothes collar ready for me to put on in the morning, she just said, 'Molly, you can just wear this collar again tomorrow. No-one will notice??' Just thought I'd better explain in case anyone has!!!!

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