built to last and ...

... still going.

This is my iMac Indigo G3 500 Mhz which I bought as an escape from the Windows based computers at work in Dec 2001

Amazing to think it still boots up - my files are all still there including 9,000+ photos

I have not switched it on for well over a year and not really used it in earnest for at least 5 years but its not something I feel I want to let go.

It helped me through some awful times. The fact that it always worked when needed was something that restored some faith and in a small way gave me some strength to carry on a while longer.

Can you see what's the wallpaper on the screen. Its a map, I'm known to love maps but this one is a good one - its the map of Ambridge - if you don't know where that is - its a made up place and home to The Archers the longest running Radio Drama on the BBC ( Radio 4) and anywhere else in the world.

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