Who's playing that Kazoo ?

This is going to be an endurance test.

This Peacock has adopted my neighbour or been adopted by my neighbour or perhaps both then again perhaps it is partly my fault. While my neighbours were on holiday a few weeks ago I was asked to help 'look after' Percy, yes its got a name.

I took the afternoon feed sessions and what an ungrateful bird it was - very fussy - if given the same food two days running would simply walk away and give a look that could kill. One afternoon it was nowhere to be seen ( obviosuly had had a better offer) but the next day spotted it slowly walking through the traffic on the main road - the bus stopped to let it cross !

My neighbour lets it stay in their greenhouse and gives it newspapers with its breakfast so I don't think it will be going anywhere soon.

Today it broke its silence - it is loud, very loud, not tuneful and seems to be playing a Kazoo at the end of its call. It must be taking £1000s off the value the house round here.

Its going to be torture - but of course one day it will spread its wings and give me a lovely blipfoto

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