Parliament Street

I was in town this afternoon for a re-orientation tour of Bromley House, where they've reclaimed a wing, built a new reading room and moved all the books around a bit. I've not been for a while so it was nice to re-aquaint myself with things, even though everything looks slightly 'off' and a little bit uncomfortable as it can do when you upset things in an environment that has taken a long time settling in to itself. Plus I'm slightly miffed to find that my own favourite part of the Library, 'The Art Alcove', no longer has the art books in it. Anyway, the tour ran a bit late and I was dashing off to help the plumber move white goods, so I didn't hang around for any photos - I'll go back next week with the camera out. This one was taken on the way, when I still had time to kill...

Went to see 'The Book Thief' later on at Broadway (we were a bit late and the screening of 'Dallas Buyers Club' had sold out, unfortunately) - it's not very good...

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