Tutto bene

By Blackdrake

Very delitescent indeed!

The kids went off for a day with my foks today, didn't get back till after bedtime! They had an absolute ball and we wrecked the joint in their absence!
Curtain pole finally put up (I've been making a post-exam to-do list for Hubband). Then things took a destructive turn.
We have a Victorian house, many of the features have been covered up. In our bedroom there should be a press (a shallow, shelved cupboard built into the wall) it has been badly covered over since 1970. Today, curiosity got the better of us and out came the hammer...we now have a press. It needs to be cleaned (lots) and painted and tidied up but it looks good anyway.
How do I know that it has been covered up since 1970 - because lying on a shelf in the press was this copy of Glasgow's Evening Times dated Wednesday 29th July 1970. Of course Hubband makes the obligatory comment about not even being born by then..the swine, because he knows fine well I cannot make such a comment!
It was all very exciting :-) And oh the joy at discovering today's word - delitescent meaning concealed/hidden - couldn't have worked out better if I'd planned it (mostly as we're not very good at planning)
It was so interesting reading the paper (crossword hasn't even been done) - times sure have changed!
Ciao fellow Blippers, hope your weekend going well.

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