
By dunkyc

Nether Region

Father in law returned today to continue to help (do) some painting in m'boy's bedroom as well as install some much needed blinds in the kitchen.

Yours truly - self-admittedly normally a sweary hindrance with anything DIY related - was tasked with with occupying m'boy for the day. To say I considered this as getting off light is an understatement!

We had a lovely wander into town, singing away and picking up various bits and bobs. We even had cause to pop into Kendal's largest white elephant ever; K-Village. I paid for m'boy's crime (see yesterday's blip) and thought I would take the snap above of Nether Bridge as it isn't often seen from this angle.

It's probably because nobody bothers going to K-Village...

EDIT: Crikey! Just realised that this is my 500th blip! Never thought I'd make it this far. Thanks to all for looking and kind comments!

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