Life In Wales

By KarenC

Hold onto your Hat

It's been another glorious day with clear blue skies, sunshine and 15 degrees! Alan and I went to Metro Deco in Kemp Town this morning to meet Marlytyz for coffee, and so Alan could have a look at her Nikon DF. It was lovely to see her again, and we sat and chatted for about an hour before going our separate ways. We walked down to the beach which was packed, it was just like a summer's day, and we both had an ice cream to help soothe our throats. We sat on the beach and watched the jet skiiers who were really enjoying themselves, and there were even people in the sea!

When I uploaded my photos I saw there was a sequence of shots of this particular jet ski, and if you look closely you'll see that his hat had flown off his head and he's trying to catch it. On the next image it's back on his head.

Once home we spent the afternoon in the garden which is great for the 9th March! Anyway, our roast dinner is nearly ready, so I'll try and catch up with you all later - hope you've had a good Sunday!

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