
By Zia

Alive with Lions

After a pretty exhausting week not assisted by a bus strike on Wednesday that had me sitting in my car 3 hours to get to work, 5 Kms away. Also some very late nights driving back from clients. Then 13 hours of studies on Saturday. I needed a sleep in but as we have friends over from UK I promised to take them into the Nairobi National Park. We left at 5.45am but got caught in a diversion due to a marathon in Nairobi and so got into the park a little later than hoped. But it was all worth while. We saw 3 lions and a lioness. At one stage we stopped to let a group of American tourists where to find the lions and they told us they had just seen 2 leopard cubs walking on the road about 400 meters away. Very concerning as we were in a savanna area and there was no mother. So we went to look and they were in fact Serval cats! Anyway, what a morning! It was so worthwhile. And Karen Blixen was so right when she said, "You know you are truly alive when you are living among lions".

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