
By CoffeePotter

Red Teasels in the Sunset

I'm afraid this is my second teasel blip this week. As if that wasn't bad enough, they're the same ones, situated on what we call Teasel Corner in The Big Field. I couldn't resist because we went for a walk this evening (had to wait for the rugby to end - not sure who won, or who was playing) and it was the most fabulous sunset.

Frog racing was a huge success last night. No-one went home hopping mad, and contrary to rumours, no-one lost their shirt - or any other items of clothing come to that. No frogs were abused in the process. The "frogs" were spectators whose numbers were drawn from a basket, and they had to progress down the track on allocated spaces - I think there were 12 or 13 steps in all. The number of spaces they moved was determined by throwing giant dice - the first was to determine which frog jumped out of 6 in the line-up, and the second dice was for how many spaces the frog could move. I did take some photos of very jolly faces (as the evening wore on, the jollier they became - strange that) but I'd already blipped yesterday. Great fund raising event for the hall, and everyone went home happy.

Work tomorrow.

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