
By CoffeePotter

What a teasel

This morning I attended an overlocker workshop, which was excellent and I really learnt a lot. If you don't know what an overlocker is, then you probably don't need to know. You may have seen them on "The Great British Sewing Bee", and they really are the bee's knees - if you're into that sort of thing.
I took some photos at the workshop, but if you're not in love with an overlocker, then it would probably bore you silly. Wake up!

This afternoon we took Hector and Ziggy for a walk up the hills. I have taken many photos of these particular teasels in all sorts of weather and different times of the day, as I think they are quite pretty and they are in a lovely spot on the hill and at the edge of a wood.

This evening is Frog Racing at the Memorial Hall in our village. We certainly know how to live round our way! May get some good blips there, but unfortunately it will still be today, as most folk that will be at the Frog Racing will need to be in bed by 10.

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