That's what I am!

Quick blip. Got home at 10.20pm. Left the house at 7.40am. 5 hours straight teaching. Managed to squeeze lunch in at 3.15pm. Meeting 3.30 till 5.30. 15 minutes break, then Governors meeting.

Tomorrow morning, meeting with local Authority advisor and other external people - it will be about 3 hours long and very intense. Straight into teaching afterwards and then another meeting! Wednesday not looking any better - 4 hour meeting at local authority about something else, then back in to teach (briefly!) and then 3 hours of quality assurance meetings with different Heads of department. Thursday - teaching, Friday teaching all day.

Its no wonder I am losing weight...I fell below nine stone last week, first time since I was ill 5 years ago.

Saturday ....sleeeeeeeeep!

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