Prom Dress Fashion Show (redux)*

For the second year in a row I have found myself attending the prom dress fashion show, a benefit for Maria Carrillo High School grad night. This year my grandson Will is a sophomore there and I went with Dana. My guess is that Will would rather undergo a root canal than be a model at this event, but he might decide to go to grad night.

It is fascinating to see these kids on the cusp of adulthood, wearing and modeling grown up clothes, but still living at home, still, well…kids. , whose parents will go to a lot of effort to see to it that they have a safe and sober graduation party. I concentrated on trying to capture this contrast, and settled on this photo of one of the models, with her boyfriend afterwards. I couldn't get their feet in my picture, but he is wearing converse sneakers with his striped golf shirt, while she wore high heels in which she was having a bit of trouble walking. Her gown had to be "essentially deconstructed", according to one of the women at our table, to fit her boyish figure.

They are so confident of their lives and their futures. It would be nice to think that their dreams would all come true, but I think a lot of them aren't really sure of their dreams , and their lives are about to change , in large and small ways, forever….

*My post from last year, March 10,2013, was a picture of my neighbor Cindy's daughter who was a model. I went as Cindy'e guest, knowing that Berkeley High School never had such an event, and wondering what it would be like.

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