March Challenge: Day 8 ......


Adjective meaning: Hidden or concealed.

One of our errands today included going to look at some used food dehydrators. In the local newspaper they have a column entitled "Shopping Scout" where you can list items that you are looking for. The squirrel biscuits that I make require drying out and last time I made them I had to use my oven on a very low heat setting. That tied my oven up for about 2 days! I didn't want to do that again so I advertised for a dehydrator. Two people responded and we went and looked at (and bought!) them both today.

One of the houses we visited is near the Lehigh Valley Zoo. And even though the zoo has been closed for several weeks due to all the snow and ice we have gotten this winter, we decided to drive by there anyway. When we drove by the gates were open and we got our hopes up that the zoo was open! Much to our displeasure the zoo was closed. But from the parking lot you can see some of the animal enclosures. Seen here is the bald eagle exhibit. Or at least the part that is not delitescent! I took this shot from the parking lot through a chain link fence.

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