youngies journey

By youngie66


Well another glorious day but boy what a day I ended up on a car chase on a single track country lane it was like something out of Starsky and Hutch I had just got my blip done about a ten minute drive North of the house I was just putting my camera in it's bag and a white van drove past me then reversed back but not quite far enough that I could see the driver of the small white van so as I looked over I seen a hand appear it was holding a camera at and pointing at me that's all I could see was a hand and a camera I thought to myself WTF so he started to shoot of and I spun around and booted it so I was right up his backside I flashed my lights and honked my horn but he had no intention of stopping so after 4 miles of this single track road my car was caked in mud and spray and at one point I was so pissed that I was virtually touching his bumper at one point crazy I know but he wasn't getting away with it then I saw my chance as we approached a T junction onto a main country road so as the single lane widened I screech by him and turned hard to the left and was virtually side on to him so he couldn't get past I was out in a flash and right round to the window to confront him I stuck my head in his window and asked why he took my photo he said he was taking photos of the big boulders I said they were on the other side of his motor from mine so I demanded to see his camera and right enough no photos of boulders but one of me sitting in my car wtf so I got him to delete it he said I must have been feeling guilty to be chasing him I said I'm no frikken guilty about anything other than why your secretly taking my photo I took photos of the reg plate of his van it looked like a rental he showed his lanyard with fife council on it and he said to me I have connections I told him I don't give a f**k what connections you have I will be contacting your connections to confirm the reg plate and who was the driver supplied with that for the day and then get feed back to why he was doing this he was shaking by this time it all seemed so surreal to have been doing what I did chasing someone in a car and doing almost stunt driving to get ahead of him and stop him dead in his tracks which I must say I was quite proud of myself anyway after I let him go and I got home I contacted Fife council to see if the van was registered with them but that department was closed at 4pm so will have to call them tomorrow I don't mind getting my photo taken like when I'm at work but this guy just looked shifty and he ain't getting away with it as I took pictures as I was chasing him along with a video clip as well so watch this space for what excuse the cooncil give me but I will be telling them I wan't feedback on this or it will become a Poilice matter so we shall see what happens so after all that pursuit caper my blip is of these Geese flying past so this is it for today now then movie for the day is "Pursuit 1972" Looks nice LARGE as well See Ya

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