Beautiful Day

Finally we had a gorgeous sunny day. Perfect for being out in nature. During the morning I spent quite a while on the phone trying to get some information. One of those, on hold for 40 minutes, call this number instead, kind of situation. Not conducive to a happy mood. But never mind.

I drove Arvin to his afternoon meeting and dropped him off. I had a choice, call the second number or drive over to Tennant Lake and take some photos. As you can see, I chose Option 2. And I am so glad I did. This is Tennant Creek as it exits the lake and moves off toward Bellingham Bay I think. I took quite a few photos and headed back to pick up Arvin. I still had 45 minutes so I made the call anyhow. Got nowhere. Big surprise. I needed some kind of insurance code which no human on earth would ever know unless they were the poor person employed by the doctor to know these things. I got one code from the doctor's office but it turned out I needed the hospital one too and that was impossible. They gave me a social worker's number and that lead to leaving a message that was never returned. Ah the joy of dealing with bureaucracy.

Arvin and I did a big shopping after I picked him up and after we put away everything I had just enough time to download the photos before we headed out for our evening appointment. Sheesh! After that we had a late dinner and I finally got to process my photos. This is our life at the moment. Not by choice except it actually is as we are hoping all of this is leading to a better place. Long story. Not telling it now.

Hope your day went more smooth than mine and you shared such amazing great weather and a beautiful spot to take photos. This is a seven photo HDR image created through the Nik HDR Plug in.

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