What a boring sky

Cloudless blue skies are almost as boring photographically as the cloudy white skies with which I am more familiar. It was another bright sunny day and verging on warm once the early morning chill had been dispelled.

After a visit to the city to finish off some business, and a trip to Dyce to collect a car from its MOT, we had a bit of an appetite. We decided to head to Crathes Castle where we had a sandwich in the cafe before taking a walk in the gardens.

By this time it was definitely warm, and even though I was wearing a light quilted jacket it was almost too much. Being a weekday there were not too many people around so it was nice to have the gardens almost to ourselves.

I saw my first daffodils of the season in a shelters corner just before the entrance to the car park. Spring is definitely on the way.

Crathes Castle has been photographed a million times before, and will be photographed several million times more, it is hard to find a new photographic angle on the castle. No make that nearly impossible.

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