Crispy Moon

Sunday evening I turned in early with my migraine as comfort, but Monday morning when I woke to get up for work I knew I stood no chance.

I could barely see, or comprehend what was going on. I managed to phone in sick but later wasn't sure if I had or not, and had to check my phone record to see if I'd dreamt it or not.

I spent the day sleeping and occasionally hitting lucidity when I'd check e-mails (I know...) and stuff and then go back to the depths. Eventually at about 5pm I thought I was OK and got up. I actually felt fine and I remember wondering if I'd been ill at all? It was strange.

So I took a few pictures of the moon, sat down with a book and promptly fell asleep again so I went back to bed and slept solid for another 12 hours until Tuesday morning!

Thanks for the love for 'Grim Determination' :o) Really appreciate it. I'm loving this weather and I think I may be getting my mojo back :o)

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