
Busy day again. Off to Bromsberrow, just North of Cheltenham. Ended up stationary due to multiple accidents caused by fog which meant you couldn't see more than a few yards, at the end of A417 near the Air Balloon pub in Gloucestershire.

Took some back roads that lead me into Cheltenham and there are races this week oops! Managed to find some even more back, back roads and get out safely the other end.

Called in to a motorhome dealer and having spoken yesterday to my Son's Father In Law have now seen and fallen in love with an Autocruise Forte Panel Built Motorhome. 4 berth and 4 seat belts, meaning when on our own the rear bed can be left up. When Eleanor wants to come with a friend we have the seat belts to cope! Roll on selling the RV!

My Idleback chair which I ordered from The Photography Show arrived. What an awesome bit of kit! Cost about half the price of my top tripod! Yet look at the engineering in this! Will get a photo outside tomorrow and this may be a better 'gadget and gizmo' entry to the camera club competition!

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