Possibly the best

By Letters

Deep fried bedrooms

The official UK Direct Government guide to the bedroom tax begins with helpful advice such as

“If you are a single person or couple without dependants, please first read the brief guide to who doesn't need to use the bedroom calculator or seek assistance from the housing benefit department at your local authority. Enter the details of all the people living in your household and select 'Calculate'. Required information is marked with an asterisk (*). Household details *How many people live in your household? Only include family members, non-dependents, boarders and sub-tenants who are part of your housing benefit application. If you are not sure who to include, contact the housing benefit department at your local authority. Couples must be members of the same household. They can be married couples, civil partnerships, or two people living together as a couple. Include someone not living with you but providing necessary overnight care for you or your partner. If you are not sure who to include, contact the housing benefit department at your local authority. How many children aged between 10 and 15 (inclusive) live in your household? Females Males. If you are not sure who to include, contact the housing benefit department at your local authority.”

If you have some right wing sympathies plus some non NHS spectacles the above may make sense. Otherwise I personally would recommend moving to Scotland where we don’t tolerate such insults to the poor and vulnerable.

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