Rob Groucutt

By robgroucutt


Today I find myself reconsidering opening a door I thought I'd locked years ago. As if a path I chose a long time ago has inevitably brought me back to a crossroads to give me the option again.

All very cryptic and metaphorical I know but it's potentially a good thing. I just can't work out what the catalyst for a potential change is. Maybe the blips have opened my mind a little more than I thought?! Or maybe, just maybe I'm finally a grown-up? No, that's not it. Boobs. Yeah, definitely not.

Anyway, if I do take the path, I will of course let you know. If not, maybe I'll consider it again in another 10 years. As long as the motor is still running smoothly.

The 'conduit' connection? Conduits=pathways. 'Conduire' in French means 'to drive'. It all seemed to connect in my head.


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