With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Popping corks

In between bright bursts of sunshine, it is getting cloudy and cold and we even had a speck of rain. Mum did have incredible luck. I know there's a better shot out there with this contrasting light, but I liked this one.

As you may know, on Fridays I give a lunchtime English class. I walk all the children from school to our house along the torrent and pause briefly at the swings so they can let off a bit of steam before they descend on the house.
I don't want them exploding inside :)

Big Agu has gone to Barcelona with Manolo to the Freixenet bodega and won't return till Sunday. He'd better bring a bottle or two back! (I love their adverts, particularly the jazzy ones.)

Thank goodness my headache seems to have gone. Need to get a cava headache instead :) Have a great weekend everyone

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