Spring Lamb

One of those days! The catalogue of disasters is continuing...

The 'gateman' has been and gone...they are still broken, a tap on a metre has burst in the paddocks and is spewing water everywhere, whilst my mother-in-law came down to her kitchen this morning to paddle in an inch of water. Our kitchen tap is now sitting on the counter top in pieces and some clothes that should have arrived aren't going to, for various reasons. Oh and I was given the finger by a very rude man in a black Audi who was trying to push me into oncoming traffic by cutting in on the inside..needless to say he didn't get in :))

Shooting to town to get a wet and dry vac to cope with MIL's flooding I spotted these sheep in a field so pulled over. They weren't doing a lot but beggars can't be choosers and they seemed to be intrigued enough to look and see what I was up to or rather what Tilly was up to looking out of the car window behind me :)

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