Take it on the Road

"Traveling waffles," said our host. Or were we the hosts? Hard to say, really. When you love someone, and you don't know what to do to make the burden just a little lighter, as he said, "none of us knows where this will go. Just get a group together and talk about it. Take a step and see what becomes of it." So we made waffles. Show up, make waffles. Sit down, share a laugh...or two...or three.

The moment captured here, priceless. Our host (left) had just squirted whipped cream on his plate. Something about that brought a smile to everyone. Waffles & whipped cream. Next time, strawberries. Strawberries and more stories, providing we don't run out...of stories, that is.

Yesterday's blip about Janey and Baby made one of the sweetest stories of all. Just to see the baby horsey, two days old, it's worth a visit if you missed the blip.

Our host is always thinking of others, so as I've mentioned before, he wants us all to be learning something here. Learning about where to begin when you don't know what to do, or what to say. We're thinking the answer is in just starting somewhere. Maybe even with waffles.

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