Gaia's Child

By maura143

I Am The Show!

Enjoyed shooting with my PhotoBuddies…Sefferdog and BuckeyeBrad today. Lots of Bird Shots and then we went looking for the Wild Horses of The La Chua Trail. Lots of Fun and Laughs :)

This male Redwing Blackbird was really 'getting into' his "Hey Look At Me" display! Not the sharpest shot of the day, but I just had to Blip him 'cause I was So Impressed!

If you haven't already…take a look at Sefferdog's photo of the Newest Member of the Herd... A Little Filly!

Here are some of my other bird shots today, and a paw print…probably a Coyote... HERE!

And for a Cuteness Factor of 10+ here are my Wild Horses of La Chua… HERE!

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