Any Excuse

A busy morning today. Amongst other things I took an old television to the council disposal site. This was one of the pre flat screen variety so it was pretty heavy.

The nearest council waste site to me is next to Hazelhead Park so it would have been churlish not to have had a coffee there, and a croissant of course. No fruit tarts at Hazelhead, but I am sure I can make up for that later in the week.

It was a nice morning with sunshine and reasonably warm. But note the could over to the right of the picture. A few minutes after I took this photograph it started raining.Well it was a very light rain and it did not last long, but it was a warning that we cannot take the sunshine as a guaranteed gift.

After the coffee and suitably fortified I delivered the TV to the council. As it turned out the nice man from the council site lifted the TV from the boot of the car so I hardly needed to even get out of the car. A very nice tidy and clean wast site.

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