Because this is who I am

By Brighde


Yes, okay it's a running theme but I really like things in black and white, especially portraits.

What a week. I've started my FMP at college so I'm in full force with that at the moment, this is actually why I had all my equipment set up and things. Basically I'm doing about for women are conforming to stereotypes of being 'perfect' and 'thin'. So I'm taking inspiration from Jenny Saville, in how she presents unflatering imagery of women, more to the point- fat women. So, I'm basically looking at naked fat women. And I was taking pictures of my rolls and such to add to my research. Classy, I know.

I'm looking forward to being off tomorrow, finally some spare time. I'm going down to see my boy for the day, so that should be good. Even though I have to get up early, oh the things a girl has to do.

Happy Blipping.

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