
By Angelique

Butterfly fly away,Youve been waiting for this day

Sung by Miley Cyrus. As I came home from work today, was immediately aware of this beautiful but slightly worn Peacock butterfly flitting around the flower pots at the front of our house. It settled on the large Pieris 'Mountain Fire' that we have in the corner and was happy to sit and enjoy the nectar.

So glad that Monday is nearly over. Dont particularly know why I hate them so much but I always have and I'm sure there's a number of reasons which I wont bore you with.

But we haven't had any rain, yipee although it is promised later in the week and much colder. Oh well, get the fur coat out again.
Phoebe is still enjoying herself but she doesn't know that on Thursday she is having a big hair do!!

Hope your day has been kind to you and we are already more than half way through March. Each year, time seems to pass quicker, or is it me just getting older?!!
Hugs to you all. xx

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