Miss Behavin at Lulu

Amazingly no tears were shed last night.

Although with the hangovers around this morning there are possibly tears today.

The last night in our (now closed) local and it was standing room only (and not only because most of the seating had been taken away by its new owners*) the bar seemed to be full of people we didn't know, cue much expat muttering - although I guess the 'strangers' could well have been saying the same about us!

Towards midnight the music got turned off and the live music started, Leslie (soon to be ex-owner) rocking out the green wig.

And then it was over.

The end of our bar where we could walk in and be greeted as a friend, where they really did know our name and where many of our expat bonds were forged.

The end of an era.

* guilty, I have rehomed a stool, a lamp and a mirror.

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