
We’ve had a lovely weekend walking in the Lake District but today we have come home.

Whenever we go away, Ann likes to stop off at the beach before we get home so that I can have a play. That way once we’re home, we’re ‘in for the evening’. Ann likes being ‘in for the evening’ when we’ve been away. She’s a bit OCD about it – has to do washing & various other domesticated chores?!!

Anyway today we stopped off at 'Carbis Bay Beach' so that I could play with my yellow bouncy ball. I didn’t want to play with my bouncy ball today. I’ve had to walk up far too many hills/mountains in the Lake District this weekend and I didn’t have the energy for running after my bouncy ball.

I trotted after Ann for a bit and then because it was such a sunny afternoon and the sea looked so inviting I went for a little swim.

.......................And then................................... I could see that Ann was ignoring me because she was trying to photograph arty farty sunny day things so I decided to have a roll around on the sand.

I’m not allowed to do ‘rolling’ things because I’ve had a poorly ear and Ann says she doesn’t want me to run the risk of getting another infection in it before it’s fully better.

Ann was a bit angry with me. First she blipped me. She grabbed hold of my collar and made me stand up the proper way and said, ‘Molly, if you are going to play at rolling you’ll go back on your lead.’ Well I didn’t want to go back on my lead so for the rest of my time on the beach I did sensible trotting alongside Ann so by the time we got back to the car she was well happy with me.

Home now and I asked Ann for early dinner which I’ve gobbled up.

Ann was hoping that by 5pm it would still be warm enough to sit outside on our sun terrace to have the first ‘outdoor’ glass of wine of the year. Unfortunately it’s a bit windy now at least the washing will dry quickly so no wine for Ann. And before any of you lovely Blippers start commenting that she can drink wine indoors............................. Of course she can...........................

BUT............................ our weekend BLIPS have only shown me at the top of mountains............................. because we didn’t want to blip the amount of wine Ann & her sisters have drunk this weekend like to portray ourselves as fit, healthy & energetic??!! LOL!

..................And for that very reason Ann’s having a wine free evening!!!!!! And I’m having a 'snooze in my bed' evening!!!

Happy Tuesday Night Blippers. xx

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