Photos from my phone and

By Mylifemyphotos

Pot Noodle and a Cadbury's Cream Egg

That's the problem with doing the show- I am sooo hungry when I get home and can't be bothered to prepare anything healthy.
To be honest today I don't know whether I am coming or going - got to the theatre and dropped my stuff off before going to wardrobe to pick up my costumes and then then when I got back. I couldn't find my bag with my water, book and shoes in it so I thought I must have left it at home - I can't remember having it when I got out of the car - but I get home tonight and no bag, so I really don't know what I did with it. Will have to check the theatre tomorrow night when I get there.

But now I'm going to enjoy my Pot Noodle!! (I have already eaten the cream egg)

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