Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Dazzling Damsel

Identification - Agriocnemis femina femina - variable wisp.

I figured this amazing creature deserved some macro attention.

I returned to the stream safari grounds today in the hope of finding the crowned ladybird from a couple of days ago, but no ladybirds in sight. If it is an actual species, I will find it eventually. Just another on-going project.

Other projects are to photograph top and bottom surfaces of ringed butterflies, as for yesterday’s blipped common five ring. Today I managed a reasonable side view of a four ring, but the top view was woefully out of focus and she would only give me one shot.

Another project is to collect male and female spider shots. Everyone photographs the flamboyant females, but no one photographs the males. Consequently I have lots of male images that I cannot identify. To prove the species, the male has to be photographed in the females web. Close by is just not good enough.

Plenty to keep me busy in the near future. I need to have a go at night bugging too – one day soon.


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