Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit

Calla Lily

There's spring catkins, autumn berries, winter chill and summer blooms like this calla lily in flower at the moment which makes life rather confusing. If I'm confused I wonder how the animals and plants are coping. The beauty of this calla lily shone out at me today; it embodies purity.

Calla lily flower essence is prescribed after physical abuse or cruelty. It helps to restore a sense of dignity and self-worth. When someone has experienced any form of abuse, they will often feel deep shame and the belief that they 'deserved' to be ill-treated on some level. Often this belief lies very deep, so it's not even conscious and it may originate in past lives or ancestral memories (where you sense the energy of trauma that's happened to your ancestors).

Ultimately this can lead people to believe that the world is not a safe place and that they will be subjected to further cruelty. This belief can become a self-fulfilling prophecy leading to further experiences that show them that wound again and again until the wound is healed.

As calla lily flower essence is taken, it releases their shame and low self-worth, reminding the person that they are pure and beautiful just like this flower. I've worked with people who have experienced cruelty and abuse and have come to me with their heads low like wounded animals. It is wonderful to see someone stand tall and proud after releasing deep feelings of shame and low self-worth.

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