Goose to port

Or it might be starboard. I'm thinking of calling this series, which started yesterday: images of birds that look photoshopped but aren't. We explored again a bit of urban wetland. It has a hide that must have been designed by someone who had never seen or used a bird hide before and was brought up watching Play School on TV as a kid.

"Which window are we going to look through today? Let's go to the..........ROUND window." The suspense was killing. Apologies to all who never saw Play School and have no idea what I'm talking about. I was astonished to find that Brian Cant, one of its most popular presenters, is now aged 80.

What a lot of people don't know, is that when Play School ended, Brian got left behind. As far as I know, he's still there. Jeremy Irons escaped. But that was Play Away - after my time.

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