
We're all together again, we're here, we're here
We're altogether again, we're here, we're here
And who knows when, we'll be altogether again.
Singing we're altogether again, we're here, we're here.

A Girl Guide campfire Song.

I'm back in rainy Glasgow with His Lordship who is acting as a back up pair of hands while Ewan's Mum goes to work for a few hours.
There will be no stravaiging around the streets with the pram in this weather, I'm afraid.
At the moment it doesn't matter as we have a sleeping baby and all is quiet on the home front.

HL is not universally noted for his baby communication skills, but here he is with a almost smiling baby. How did that happen? Being so good with Ewan, he had better beware, lest he gets asked to do it again before the day is out.

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