Thanks to the wind

These primroses are self set on the back path leading to the "secret garden" where our neighbour grows her vegetables. There are various varieties in shades of yellow and pink, but the yellow ones seem to thrive in the sheltered spot where they are completely neglected. The bees like them almost as much as we do.

We have had an eventful morning after the wind took two panes of glass out of the greenhouse. The door had been left open overnight to harden off some of the plants before we put them out in the garden. We heard the crash of broken glass as it shattered into large shards and tiny splinters. We count ourselves very fortunate that we were not passing by at the time and that we were a home with time to repair it. Job done, but not much time to go out looking for a blip today.

Hope you are all safe and warm while this windy weather is about.

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