

Igor does overabundance, I do minimalism. We have separate studies in completely different parts of the house. We couldn’t possibly share one, though we have contemplated it (once, for about twenty seconds) but it wouldn’t work. We have completely different mindsets. His is to keep everything just in case and the number of each item you need is always one more than the number you’ve already got. Mine is to only acquire something if I really need it and to get rid of it once it’s past it’s usefulness.

Nimiety was as difficult for me to blip as it was easy for Igor. He was probably asking himself whether he should blip his cameras or his musical instruments or his books or his maps or his camera bags……. I’m stuck, once again, with blipping my pencils. I can’t resist buying pencils. I get one every time we visit somewhere and I admit to having an overabundance of them. I probably don’t have enough life left to use them all up even if I did a lot of writing or drawing, which I don’t. I’ll probably keep on buying them and when I’m gone my children will inherit them. My collection will probably mirror theirs because every time I buy one for myself I buy one for them too.

Big son and his wife have arrived safely in Sydney and are already beginning the celebrations for Sunday’s wedding.

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