Our Street...

...but not for much longer.

The kids have always loved racing down the path towards our home for the past couple of years. It holds special memories as Olivia used to ride the bike that Dex uses now (he has zero interest in a bike with pedals) and Dex used to ride his motorbike fearlessly terrorising pedestrians. Today was the last time that the kids will be able to ride down the path (although I'm sure we'll be back to visit as we have lots of lovely friends in the area) as they leave for Newcastle tomorrow and when they return it will be to our new home. Olivia is quite sad about leaving the house but is very excited about our new home. Dexter just wants to make sure that all his toys will be going to the new house!

I made hubby go to the doctors this morning as he has been feeling terrible for weeks which could be a mixture of preparing for the move, work stress and illness. It turns out he has a severe allergic reactions to bed mites (we have to wait for a product for the mattress which is being developed in Leuven at the moment) and a not so severe allergy to dust and the doctor thinks he may have mono. The timing couldn't be worse in light of the week ahead of us, so he spent most of the day in bed today trying to get as much rest as possible.

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