Capital adventures

By marchmont

Me again

Yes another cat blip.

It was such a horrible day. I started off by ploughtering around in the rain filling the car's washer bottle before taking it for its MOT - it passed.

S and I got drenched walking to and from Cunningham House. The wind, having blown a gale all night, was still strong and the rain heavy. It did clear up later in the day but then it rained, again.

We were out twice today - morning up the road, afternoon down to Leith Walk. And I had an interview to conduct and phone calls to make. I'm still not catching up.

I was going to try and do some of that catching up tonight but I did catch up tv and talked to #2 son instead and phone J, in France. #2 son regaled with the tales of Glasgow turning red last Sunday. He's hoping for another trip west in May.

The plane is still missing. I have accepted my Clydesider offer - protocol team at the Aquatics Centre (that's a swimming pool in Tollcross).

Tomorrow is Friday, and the spring. I hope it warms up.

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