CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Memorial of sacrifice - and hope

This is the War memorial in Monifeith - the names of the 58 who died in WW1
and the 24 who died in WW2 are in inscribed in the monument, shown at the back. This is particularly poignant in this, the 100th year since WW1 began.
All that sacrifice of, mostly, young men - cut down in their prime. Yet there was hope - that out of the wreckage could come peace.
The riot of colour, so unexpected on a cold and blustery day when hailstones were falling five minutes after this photo was taken, gives me hope that Spring and Summer will surely follow.

PS - do any other Blippers find, after you have taken a shot and posted it on Blip, that you realise that a setting, like not having auto focus on, has been wrong duh!

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