Looking out

With the prospect of a fairly decent day on the cards I took a jaunt into the big city. The first thing I did was make use of my free coffee and cake coupon in JL (thanks to Nicoiseannie for letting me in on that little secret), which seemed too good to be true!

I ended up in the Gallery of Modern Art, where the 'art' on exhibition was not to my taste this time, but the view out the window appealed to me! This was taken from the first-floor landing on the stairs and I liked the shimmering effect through the stained glass. A bit like a heat haze... without the heat.

One of the gallery assistants stopped, when she saw me taking the photo, to tell me that the different levels in the building used to signify the various elements, and the glass in the windows was coloured accordingly. This one is earth.

I'm off out tonight for pizza with friend Christina. Have a good weekend, blippers!

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