wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Overthought and over done

I took today off. After the gig last night, I knew I would be way too tired for work today. So I slept late (700) and had my hearing tested.
I wasn't sure if I really had a hearing loss however living with two men who are very hard of hearing it makes you wonder. Guess what ? I don't HA!

So I took a nap today. A really long nap. I guess I needed to catch up on some sleep. I have a friend who swears I don't get enough. He may have a point.

I took a bunch of shots today and hated each of them. It's funny when you go out with the intent of "I have to get a shot. What do I do?" It will 9 times out of 10 suck.
So in the end I re shot one of the Gerbers from the other day. I couldn't get a perfect shot then it occurred to me what is up with the perfect pressure.

As women we are pushed to be perfect. I have gone through amazingly stupid things in my quest to be perfect. I have worn corsets to push me up, "bandeau" tops to push me down, starved myself for a week to get into a dress that I would wear once and cost a month's salary. Stood in excruciating pain to make my legs look longer and better (ok that worked. I looked fabulous) I have endured the joy of hot wax poured and yanked off of my body in places that I can't even talk about. We as women pluck and tease and pack and contort ourselves into some semblance of someone else's perfection. I have had hair down to my bum, short hair, curly hair, red, brown and blonde and lately more gray than I want to admit

I remember going to Florida and no one asking me how the trip was they wanted to know if the bikini wax hurt. Seriously more conversations about that than Florida.

Don't ever ask a stupid question like that. The answer is yes. Oh "F" yes.
(And the story is absolutely hysterical and I can't tell it on blip because my dad reads these.)

I look in the mirror and wonder do I look good enough. Does skirt make me look fat? Is the shirt too tight? (How many men out there just said it's never too tight?) I have been blessed in many ways and it is always too tight.
In the end it's about attitude. If you feel good and confident, it's more than half the battle. I have carried off runs in my stockings, stains on the chests of my sweaters (lots of stuff lands there. It's a curse ) and a hem held up with staples and duct tape.
My life is crazy. I laugh a lot. Strange things and people are drawn to me likes moths to a flame. But at the end of the day,
I am a good friend, confident, and cheerleader for my friends. I look in the mirror every night knowing I have tried my best. Well most nights.
I am almost always true to myself. Sometimes that involves high heels, big hair and wax. Sometimes hiking boots, pajamas or cashmere.
Sometimes napping on your day off.
That does not suck.

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