
By Nikael

Nothing is perfect

Today happened something that dramatically changed the day for me. It came out of nowhere. I had other plans, nice plans, but this tiny occasion made them all turn to less meaningless and harder to concentrate on. I didn't like this at all. My whole day had a gray veil on it no matter how I tried to make it vanish. Sometimes you can't use your powerful autosuggestion no matter what.

But it made me think a lot. After I had noticed that this little event was going to make my whole day different and affect to it negatively, I couldn't help thinking about life, once again.

You can't tell when you will be pushed closer to the edge. You can't tell when life brakes your inner harmony, and makes it impossible for you to relax and calm down. And this, my friends is really interesting!

Once and once again I advice you to accept the fact that in life, the image is never symmetric, perfect, straight and harmonious. The other cat is always a little bit too much turned left, and they are never forming a perfect Jin & Jang! Never. And this is something you just have to dig.

And because in life the cats are never perfectly symmetric, why would you even try to put them in the right position? If you touch one of the cats, they will both wake up and the whole layout will be ruined. So! Accept the fact. Embrace the world as it is - incomplete! Because if you try to chance things, you may end up ruining everything. And ladies and gentleman; life is really beautiful and perfect mostly because of its faults and bumps.

Maybe you may have some days when the bump in you world makes the day hard and depressing. But luckily the next day is always better and every day you see the bump more objectively. This is the only way to learn and grow.

So enjoy life, love life - no matter how much shit it trows at you.
The things that happen, happen for the purpose of you to learn something about them.

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