
By Cherryflapjack

365 Cherryflapjack.

I'm sure when people sign up to Blipfoto, they have every intention of taking a photograph every day for 365 days. I can't really believe that I have completed it without any back blips. The depths of winter, with very little light were the most tricky time of the year- but I enjoyed the challenge of finding things to photograph in an interesting way.

I think I have now discovered what I like taking photographs of- quirky things and food seem to be the majority of my pictures. I have also realised that I would not make a wildlife photographer.....and I need a better camera if I ever decide to take landscapes!

I do love the supportive environment that is Blipfoto. People are generous with their comments and take time to ask about the welfare of family and pets. So thank you to all the lovely people along the way who have given their time to comment.

I thought I would make some cherryflapjack to celebrate. ( I'll let you into a secret- I don't like cherries...., but needed a unique username for a work website and this is what the randomiser chose- I quite liked it and thought I would stick with it....)

I'm sure it will get eaten....

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