Where Bedfords go to die

Just around the corner from me I have a junk yard. It's full of blips but I doubt I'll ever get to rummage around. Instead I stuck my lens though a gap in the locked gate and aimed it at these old Bedford vans. Maybe I could get the Fur Child to take blips for me as he sniffs around in there ;-)

A bit of Photoshop pokery applied because I felt in the mood.

My day. I ran our regular training today and emerged brain dead 3.5 hours later. The training room has a low ceiling and no windows.

My remedy was to buy vege plants and Marigolds (for companion planting) on my way home. I'm very behind on gardening because of my year, but I'm getting there and after work tomorrow I'll get them in the ground.

Then a run to peel away the layers of the day. Now I'm all crisp, refreshed, fed and watered. Poke me under the shower and I'll be perfect ;-)

Thanks for your comments yesterday. Perception is a funny thing. Mine was clouded by my sense of frustration of being blipless and dealing with flat, grey light. Many of you saw something off interest, depth and beauty. Thank you.

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