The First Spring Ride

This morning was quite bright, although a bit breezy and chilly, but I decided that after coming back from the supermarket I would get out on my bike to blow the cobwebs away (and get a blip).

The recent work in the gym seemed to pay dividends as I didn't find it too much of a struggle. The first couple of miles of the route that I took today upto Kirkby Mallory was pretty much up hill all the way. I went through the village towards Sutton Cheney, before turning around at the top of the hill (this was only the first ride of the season) and I returned through Kirkby Mallory and then down the back road to Barwell and then back home. A ride of nearly 10 miles, not a bad first ride.

It was really nice being out on the bike in the fresh air, hearing the birds singing and feeling wind in your face the sun on your back.

I took the opportunity to pull over and take this picture. I liked the cloudy skies and how the light was illuminating the trees against the darker skies. It was really nice watching the sunlight quickly flitting over the fields as the clouds skudded by. Definitely a spring day.

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