
By schorschi

Chjristmas around the corner

PurbeckDavid bliped his Christmas Cactus in full bloom on 16th December to which I commented ours blooms in June (it did last year). His reply was not very trusting of my botanical knowledge. Well this year with the summer like temperatures the last few weeks, one of ours has agreed to appear.

Luckily Angie had photographed it and allowed me to use it as I didn't take a single photo all day having spent from sunrise to sunset busy replacing fencing on the fields. What a wonderful day again. Heavy ground is like concrete and I think some of the plants are striking for lack of water. Certainly the grass is not growing like it should. I did spot my first dandelion, first (miniature) daff appeared and even some primula and the forsythia is very yellow although it will slow down as rain & snow on it's way tomorrow - thank goodness.

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