
By schorschi

Luna's Delight

We phoned Farmer Franz on Friday and "offered" our fields if he needed to get rid of some of his slurry. He said he would come by on Saturday but as always would phone first to allow us to prepare.

So early morning after Angie, Sultan and the dogs went out for a ride, I went out to continue the fence work taking my mobile and the normal house telephone with me. Just as I was checking the phone still had contact to the base station, Franz appeared. In panic dropped everything and opened/removed fencing etc. Franz as always did a good job... well almost. In my panic I put both phones and my working gloves on the tree stump in the photo. Normally the stump is outside the target area - not today! Luckily Angie wasn't around to see the result and I hope she blames the dogs when she nexts phones.

Luckily it stayed dry until 5:00pm and there was a strongish west wind which kept the odour away from the house. Now it's at long last drizzling and should get wetter in the next couple of days. Possibly some snow, we are just on the 600m snowline. Cool & wet & welcome particularly as Luna only has 10m from the house to her new rolling area..

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