
By schorschi


As the sun wasn't shining today, thought it time to share my hard work of the last few days. Hope you like my fence, a little hidden behind the snowflakes and even if you can't smell it, can visually appreciate the lovely brown, slurry covered grass - on the other side of the fence, one can just make out some unslurried green grass/moss.

Apologies for the blur in the background. Looks a bit like Angie & Sultan riding out. The dogs seemed to have had the manners to stay out of shot.

Earlier Dr. Bulldog (Jürgen) came by to finish off some bits & pieces on the John Deere but due to me having misplaced a part, we couldn't do as much as planned. Probably a good thing as it was very cold in the wind. As always, good to see him and as he was then going over to see Albert (who had introduced us in the first place to Jürgen) to deal with a tractor problem, he was able to return something Albert left here last time and hadn't had the chance to return.

A few days of this weather to come before it gets warmer but no complaints ... yet.

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